In this section, you can find our products that can be categorized as Bundles. These services are grouped together at a better price but they might not be suitable for all. Please pay attention to the PREREQUISITES to prevent service cancellation. There is a certain flow to the services given based on where you are at Self Discovery with Human Design System process.
LYD Combo 1
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Living Your Design
- Foundation Analysis
- Dream Rave Analysis
Pre-requisite: None
LYD Combo 2
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Living Your Design
- Foundation Analysis
- Dream Rave Workshop
Pre-requisite: None
LYD Combo 3
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Living Your Design
- Transits Painting the Canvas Workshop
- Dream Rave Workshop
Pre-requisite: None
LYD Combo 4
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Living Your Design
- Transits Painting the Canvas Workshop
Pre-requisite: None
LYD Combo 5
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Living Your Design
- Foundation Analysis
- Dream Rave Workshop
- Transits Painting the Canvas Workshop
Pre-requisite: None
LYD Combo 6
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Living Your Design
- Foundation Analysis
- Transits Painting the Canvas Workshop
Pre-requisite: None
ABC Combo 1
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Rave ABC
- Foundation Analysis
Pre-requisite: LYD
ABC Combo 2
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Rave ABC
- Foundation Analysis
- Dream Rave Analysis
Pre-requisite: LYD
ABC &RC Combo 1
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Rave ABC
- Rave Cartography
Pre-requisite: LYD
ABC &RC Combo 2
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Foundation Analysis
- Rave ABC
- Rave Cartography
Pre-requisite: LYD
Rave Cartography Combo 1
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Rave Cartography
- Career Analysis
Pre-requisite: LYD & Rave ABC & Foundation Analysis
Rave Cartography Combo 2
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Rave Cartography
- Dream Rave Analysis
Pre-requisite: LYD & Rave ABC & Foundation Analysis
Rave Cartography Combo 3
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Rave Cartography
- Dream Rave Workshop
- Transits Painting the Canvas Workshop
Pre-requisite: LYD & Rave ABC & Foundation Analysis
Rave Cartography Combo 4
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Rave Cartography
- Transits Painting the Canvas Workshop
Pre-requisite: LYD & Rave ABC & Foundation Analysis
Foundation Combo
This is a bundle product. Included:
- Living Your Design
- Foundation Analysis
- Rave ABC
- Rave Cartography
Pre-requisite: None
What's Your #1 Energy "Thief"? Quiz
Which one of the three frequently seen energy drain factor is your thief?